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From The Desk Of D. A. Sigler: Letters To The Church. (Letter #11).

September 22, 2022

What does the Church owe it’s members? Does it owe anything? What is the responsibility of the Church to itself as the followers of Jesus? To listen to the Modern Church, not to be confused with the actual Church of Jesus, no one has any right to expect expectations of anyone in Church as no one has any obligation to show any form of Christian behavior if it’s not convenient to do so. There is a reason why there is so much loneliness, depression, and basic unhappiness in and with the Modern Church. The Modern Church is a lonely place to be for many. To me the Modern Church and the Biblical Church are not the same thing or place or anything else related. They are two different worlds. One world seems to understand that Jesus, the Apostle’s Peter and Paul, and the other writer’s of Scripture actually meant what they wrote about the Church of Christ being a community, a family, a faith that unites peoples of all nations. The other is quite convinced that Jesus, the Apostles, and the others were just saying if it’s convenient and only at a limited level are we too treat the Church as a community, a family, let alone a faith that unites peoples of all nations. It’s been my observation that the Modern Church is too busy playing church and hasn’t the time nor inclination to be the Church of Jesus Christ they claim they are following. The Biblical Church teaches that Christians are a community of believers who are suppose to be there for each other because that is what Christ taught; not if it’s convenient but because Jesus said to do so at His last Passover meal. The Modern Church needs to reread the last Passover chapters of the Gospel of John, (John 13-16). Then it needs to reread the epistles of Paul, Peter, James, Jude, and the Book of Acts by Luke and tell me where they see the philosophy that believers have no right to expectations from each other and no one in the church has any obligation to show Christian behavior or conduct. If believers have to right to expectations let alone have any obligations needs to explain to me why the writer’s of the New Testament bothered writing anything? The Epistles are all about the idea and philosophy that we are a community, a family, a faith that doesn’t wait for things to be convenient to be Christ-like to one another. The Modern Church is no more a community, a family, nor a faith that unites people’s of all nations. Where in Scripture that the Modern Church claims to follow, believe, preach that we as Christians owe each other nothing but showing up? Where does it say that Christians are to simply quote Scripture at each other and walk away feeling that is all Christians are require to do? The Modern Church is dying, it’s destroying itself and destroying those in the most need of actual Christ-like behavior. The Modern Church is not the Biblical one as it has decided that just because the Scriptures says something doesn’t mean what it says let alone says what it means; no, the Modern Church has human Bible scholars correcting God’s word and the Modern Church is standing up and praising the action of Biblical destruction. The Modern Church is full of the doctrine of “If It’s Convenient” theology and can’t figure out why people are leaving at the same time. The fact is, most of those who go to church are simply playing the ‘Church Game” and don”t really concern themselves with the fact that they are the reason the Modern Church is dying as they simply accuse those who say anything of wanting some “Perfect Church.” No, the reason the Modern Church is dying is the fact those in the Modern Church love the world more than actually following the Scriptures about how they are to treat each other. Why? Because the Modern Church really doesn’t care what the Scriptures say and will always figure out some way to avoid actually following the words of Jesus, the Apostle’s Paul and Peter. The fact is, the Modern Church would toss the Bible out the door if it thought it could get away with it and praise itself for the action. If the foundation of the Modern Church is destroyed, what is the foundation it’s standing on? Very simply put, Pride.

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